Here is a shot of my setup on Saturday night. I needed a computer to run the software for the Astrophotography Camera. The Labtop computer I have is old, and didn't support the software for the camera. So, I had to bring my main computer out on to the patio. It's kinda risky to put WOPR out on the patio, in the elements. But I did get some good shots of Jupiter, and Saturn. It has me wanting to make a skyward portico on my roof, and automate the motion of the telescope so that I can do all the adjustments remotely, and record images in the study. Sort of like what I did with the original Astronomical Video Camera...
My setup evolved drastically during my Starshoot session on Saturday Night. Originally I planned on shooting from the front of the house. But it was partly cloudy, and I didn't want to make the effort to setup in front if only to get clouded out. So, I decided to setup in back to see if I could see Jupiter. That worked, and I was already setup in back. To see Saturn I needed to elevate the telescope to get over the apex of the roof. So, I wound up rearranging the patio, moving a bunch of lumber, firewood, and furniture to get the right vantage point. Now the telescope has a relatively good vantage point to see the southern sky, and all I have to do is move WOPR, my super computer, from the study to the patio. LOL! Hardly any effort at all... Here is a shot of the first setup...
Man, a remote setup would be awesome. And sounds like fun. Looking forward to seeing some great shots.