
Monday, March 22, 2021

Corned Beef Hash and Eggs

 On St. Patrick Day I made Corned Beef.  It was kind of small for a Brisket, only 3 pounds, so it didn't last long.  But I did have some leftovers, and decided to use it to make this Corned Beef Hash, and Eggs.  There are cans of Corned Beef Hash to be had, but those pale in comparison to this.  I'm going to cube the Corned Beef, and Potatoes.

Then we'll fry them in a little too much butter.  You gotta get that crispy brownness on the Potatoes, and having a little crust on the Corned Beef doesn't hurt.  There is a huge difference between this, and what comes in the can.

Then once the Potatoes, and Corned Beef get a little brownness, add some whole Eggs right on top, and cover.  A tight fitting lid helps get the eggs perfect.  The steam will cook the top of the Eggs.

Once the Eggs have got the desired doneness slide the whole mixture on to a plate, add a little Black Pepper, and maybe some hot sauce.  Corned Beef Hash, and Eggs is something I ate  a lot when I was a kid, and I don't remember liking it very much.  That is probably because of that can.  This one is a lot better.

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