
Friday, March 27, 2020

Hot Vapor Therapy Elucidation

KILL The Virus!  Version 1.0, 03/27/2020

I found some uncommon wisdom in an unusual place today.

A guy at the hardware store asked me if I thought my Respiratory Mask would stop the Virus. I replied no, that it was there to stop me from spreading a previous infection.

He told me that he hadn't had a virus in 20 years, and then proceeded to explain why.  Viruses thrive at our body temperature, but when you elevate this temperature a little bit it kills the viruses.

This is why our immune system response to a virus is a fever.  Our immune systems know that heat kills viruses, and that is why it turns up the thermostat when you have an infection.

It is so simple. The viruses live in our Respiratory Pathways.  Our immune system responds with sinus inflammation and mucus builds up in our Respiratory Pathways to flush the virus out.  But the virus feeds on what our bodies are producing, complicating the problem, and letting the viruses multiply.

So, what do you do? You elevate the temperature in your Respiratory Pathways enough to KILL the Virus. Whoa, that sounds serious, breathe steam?  Won't that hurt you?

Sure, if you get excessive it could be harmful, but the Respiratory Pathways can take the elevated temperatures that are required to kill viruses.

His first solution was to take a pan of boiling hot water, and breathe the water vapor in through your nose, and deep into your lungs.

Then he suggested that there are alternative methods, like taking a hot sauna.

Water boils at 212 F. and produces steam, gaseous water vapor.  When this steam is released from the boiling water it begins to cool off.  You want the steam hot, but not hot enough to burn you.  Water vapor can cool off considerably before it condenses back into liquid water.

This somewhat cooled steam travels down into your Respiratory Pathways, and condenses, releasing heat. This heat is then radiated into the surface areas of your Respiratory Pathways, and applied directly to the viruses.

Atomically the water molecule has picked up electrons from the heat source boiling the water.  This causes the water molecule to expand, or puff up, and gain energy.  It becomes water vapor, gaseous water.

Then it is free to roam around in the atmosphere.  When the water vapor cools it loses those extra electrons, and condenses back into water molecules.  Then the water molecules fall back to earth as condensation.

The effect of this phenomenon may be the condensing water vapor is radiating electrons at the viruses.  We know it as heat, but on an atomic level it may be like the released electron particles are bombarding the viruses.

After doing a little research it looks like viruses are killed at around 133 F. This is So Simple! It is too simple for us to see easily.

An alternative method might be to go into the bathroom, close the doors, and run a bunch of hot water in the bathtub.  Let it get as steamy as a sauna, and then breathe deep breaths in through your nose.

Make a pot of Tea. When it is piping hot breathe the water vapor from it.

Go get a Bowl of Pho Ga.  When it is piping hot breathe the water vapor from it.

Make some Herbal Tea.  When it is piping hot breathe the water vapor from it.

Make Brine, Salt Water.  When it is piping hot breathe the water vapor from it.

I think it might be possible to use essential oils in this manner as additives to the water.

Appendix:  Atomic Physics

The description of the atomic physics I used above will not make sense to someone who has only studied academic atomic physics.  I have studied advanced information that is superior to what is taught in public schools.  Atomic mechanics are really much different than the academic world believes.  In the future I will include literary references here.

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