
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

UABMM2 Final Assembly

The UABMM2 is the Uniform Asynchronous Bucking Magnet Motor 2.  I am getting close to getting the assembly finished.  This is my second attempt at building a self-sustaining magnet motor.  The first had clearances that were too great, and the cants (angles of the magnets) were too extreme.  So I took what I learned from the first attempt and made an improved magnet motor.  Here are the Stator and Rotor plates rough cut.
I use my Mini Mill to make the rough cuts using a 1/8th inch End Mill.  Then I need to cleanup all the "scallops" that are left over from the milling process.  This helps me to get tight clearances.  I cut wide by 5 to 10 mils, and then grind the cants into tolerance.  With the magnets installed I have about 50 mils clearance on each side of the rotor.  Here are some shots of the cleanup process.

After I get all the cants cleaned up I'll need to drill a hole, and tap the hole for each cant.  The magnets have a #6 countersunk screw hole so they can be mounted.  There are 40 cants on the Stator, and 36 cants on the rotor.  Here's a shot of the rotor, and stator after they were cleaned up.

These few pictures represent several days of work.  These parts are handcrafted and that equates to a lot of work.  My hands were very tired after this, and I hope it is worth it.  After all the cants are drilled, and tapped then we can start installing the magnets.  I started with the stator.  The magnets are installed with the North side facing inwards.  When all the magnets are installed then the stator will form a quantum singularity.  Or, in other words all the North Poles are facing inwards, so we have a N-Field within the stator ring.

The populated stator forms a quantum singularity, or N-Field within the stator ring which is a race (read like bearing, or track) that the rotor rides on.  The rotor magnets have their North Poles pointed out, repelling the stator ring.  The rotor magnets are also slightly tilted relative to the stator magnets to put this system out of balance enough to cause the rotor to turn.  Here is a shot of the rotor in place after the stator magnets have been installed.
I am starting to assembly the rotor now, but ran out of magnets.  So, I need to get some more on order so I can finish this, and get into testing.


  1. Well, its a work in progress. It will work, eventually, given enough engineering time, and money...
