

Electronics and Digital Gadgets
I have build many projects with electronics in them.  My electronic tinkering started 25 years ago, so there are a lot of projects I can post here.  First up is my Guitar Amplifier.  This is probably the forth or fifth revision of the Guitar Amplifier.  It is a Stereo, Class AB, Bridge Amplifier. Class AB means its a push-pull amplifier, but its more, a Bridge Amplifier, which uses a amplifier on each side of the speaker to push and pull simultaneously.  This amplifier is exceptionally clean when I want an acoustic sound.  Only listening and not seeing the guitar you would think it is an acoustic guitar.  But, its also got distortion, so I can krunch too.  Also this is a simulated stereo amplifier.  The input is mono, and I use some Op Amps to phase shift the input and feed it to a second amplifier circuit.  The second channel is 720 degrees out of phase with the first channel.  This gives the second channel a small delay, and produces a crude stereo effect...
Next we have the Astronomical Video Camera.  I have a blog post about this one already.  This is a shot of it when I was debugging the software.  When I got this camera, all I had was the camera.  I needed to build a RS-232 to RS-422 converter circuit, and a power supply.  Once I got the converter working I could send simple commands manually.  I spend a couple days playing with the software to get it to do what I wanted.  Now it is 10 minutes away from deployment at all times...