A friend at work gave me some Vietnamese Squash Seeds. I planted them in the spring, and they were very slow to start. They made some small Cucumber shaped leaves, and seemed to stagnate for months. Then in the middle of August these things took off, and got monstrous, took over the entire garden. They also made a massive amount of fruit.
It is possibly the most prolific plant I have ever grown.I'm not even sure what to do with these things. My Vietnamese friends make soup with them. I guess you could also Stir Fry them, or use them in a Squash way like steamed, or roasted. I'll have to do some experimentation. LOL!
The leaves of this plant are 8 to 12 inches wide. It tried to gobble up my Chiles, and even ran up the Trumpet Vine. Its going Allwhere... LOL! I haz to beat it back with a stick...