
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Caribbean Red Hots

I have harvested a few of the Caribbean Red Hots from the garden so far.  Allegedly they are very similar to Red Savina Habaneros.  I'll find out in a while here...

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Happy Roswell Day

Today is the 70th anniversary of the Roswell UFO Crash incident in Roswell, New Mexico.  This event gave rise to Majestic Twelve, the Central Intelligence Agency, and a plethora of Conspiracy Theories.  From my perspective it is an event that made us question everything.  We saw something that made us say "Huh?  Wut?"  Then the reaction from the Powers that Be, "Nuthin' to see here..."
Take a look at this with your higher self.  The evidence suggests that something strange happened over there, but we see this massive impulse reaction from the Powers that Be that say "Oh, Nuthin' to See over There".  That makes me suspicious, even with no evidence.  But then there is evidence, and testimony from people that were actually there, after decades of silence...
Then we see all the Mass Media discreditation.  If you can't cover it up, then make fun of it, and manufacture a unbelievable amount of disinformation, including cartoons mocking the event.  LOL!   If you want to hide something you need to totally ignore it, not point thousands of fingers at it...
There is a story about Plankton growing colonies on the exterior of the International Space Station, suggesting that Plankton exist in, and permeate space.  This says to me that life is everywhere.  We are not the only manifestation of life in the universe, but it is everywhere.  Life is everywhere, and much if it is much more advanced than we are.  They come here, and take a look at us, then say "OK, lets not mess with this planet, they're a bunch of Backwoods Rednecks."  We're literally like the "Trailer Trash" of the Galaxy.  When we see something strange we go get the Shotgun, and shoot at it.  Not a very welcoming thing to do...
Go check out this book.  "The Day After Roswell" by Colonel Phillip J. Corso.  A lot of the things we take for granted today, like semiconductors, lasers, fiber optics, and velcro are directly related to the Roswell UFO Crash Incident....