
Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Garden 2014

Here we go again, Springtime, Mo tilling required.  This year I found Bhut Jolokia plants at Rosemeade Market, and I got a few.  They also had some Heirloom Tomatoes.  My Beans, Peas, and Cucumbers are sprouting along the fence where I installed welded wire to act as a trellis for climbing plants.
I had tried to sprout come Tomatoes, and Chiles from seed this year, and while they did sprout, paled in comparison to the expertly sprouted plants from Ruibals at Rosemeade Market.  But, they didn't have all the varieties that I wanted, so I wound up getting Habaneros, and Cayenne Chiles from another place.
This year the planting boxes have been removed, the fence is built, and I can concentrate on the garden.  I stored a massive heap of composted yard scraps for amending the soil, and mulching.  Over the past month I been pulling weeds, and tilling the areas where I wanted to place the new vegetables.
Here at the South end I have the Better Bush II, and Heirloom Tomatoes, along with the Serrano Chiles.
Then there is a patch of Herbs.  I have three varieties of Sage, Rosemary, Lavender, Cilantro, and Parsley.
This is the Hot Chile patch with the Bhut Jolokias, Habaneros, and Cayenne Chiles.  Mui Caliente...
This Crucifer Patch has Cabbage right now, but as it gets warmer I plan on harvesting the Cabbage and planting Daikon Radishes here.  Crucifers do better in cool weather, then later I have space for other things.
Then this is the end of the Crucifer patch with Brussels Sprouts.  The Green Onions are here also because they grow best in cool weather, then as they get harvested I'll plant something else that does well in the heat.
Next I need to put in the Tomato cages, pull more weeds, and finish spreading the mulch around.  In a few weeks it will start looking like my garden should.  The Sage is probably the best looking right now with its purple blossoms.  I am already harvesting some things like Kale leaves, and green Onions.  I am really looking forward to trying the Heirloom Tomatoes.  Shouldn't be long now...