
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

DiaMag7, 30,000 RPM...

I ran DiaMag7 at 30,000 RPM today...

It developed almost 8 Watts...



Here, a day later I have a heavier load, now pulling 14 Watts...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pizza Doh!

What does Pizza Doh! have to do with Science and Philosophy?

Scientilosophers like to eat Pizza!

I've been involved in Pizza for more than 30 years.  Recently I have had a need to boost the nutritional content of my Pizza Doh!  My "Classic" recipe uses unbleached, unbromated, white (bran removed), Wheat flour.  It has superior nutrition, but is limited to Wheat nutrition.  I needed to add micro-nutrients, and a better amino acid mix.  So, my first modification was Pine Nuts.  I roast 2 ounces of Pine Nuts, then grind them thoroughly, and add them to the Pizza Doh!  This improved the situation, but I was still looking for something better.  Then I found Quinoa.  BAM!  Perfect amino acid mix, plus extra Lysine, Uber-Bonus!  Just what I needed...

Now, this is the second revision of my "Classic" Pizza Doh!

1 1/2 cups of Vitalized Spring Water
2 Teaspoons of Sea Salt
2 Teaspoons of granulated white sugar
2 Teaspoons of Bread Machine Yeast
4 Tablespoons of EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
2 Ounces of raw Pine Nuts
1 Cup of Quinoa Flour
3 1/4 Cups of Unbleached, Unbromated, White, Wheat Flour

I roast the Pine Nuts @ 350F. for 10 minutes, let cool for another 10 minutes.  While waiting combine the Water, Sugar, Salt, Yeast, and Olive Oil then whisk thoroughly.  When ready to mix, dump the Flours and ground Pine Nuts into the bowl and mix with a Doh! hook for another 10 minutes.  Let the Doh! rise before making Bread or Pizza.  Quick proof in a proofing box, or a turned off oven with the light on, proof for a couple hours.  I usually oil the Doh! and store it covered in the fridge for up to a week to let it "cold proof", or slow rise.  Slow rise develops the flavor of the Doh!  Its refrigerator SourDoh!  Make it Thin Crust, Pan Style, Sfincione, whateverz...

Hermetic Philosophy

A large part of my philosophy is based on the Hermetic Law.  Hermetic refers to Hermes Trismegitus,  who some believe to be an ancient Egyptian Philosopher, others believe is the Greek God Hermes, and or also the Egyptian God Thoth.  Still others believe that he was all three, and perceptions made people think he was three different beings.  He is also supposed to be a survivor from the sunken city of Atlantis.  Regardless of who antiquity thinks he is I think of him as wise spirit who brought us great wisdom, perhaps even godly wisdom.  The name Trismegitus means thrice great.

The Three Initiates compiled Hermes works into The Kyballion.  If there is one place you will find all of Hermes philosophy it is in The Kyballion.;sa=view;down=138

Another great being from history who supports Hermetic Law is St. Germain.  Godfrie Ray King had a significant experience with St. Germain, and wrote a book about it called Unveiled Mysteries.  While the book does not mention Hermetic Law by name the philosophies are identical.  Within the process of reading Unveiled Mysteries I had a revelation that Hermetic Law is actually Cosmic Law, and that through the ages it became know as Hermetic Law because the man that did the most work with it was named Hermes.;sa=view;down=133

Hermetic Law is the oldest philosophy that the world knows.  You can find bits of Hermetic Law in every other philosophy, religion, and faith.  Take, for instance, the phrase "As Above, So Below".  It is ubiquitous, everyone knows it, but not everyone knows that it is the Law of Correspondence from Hermetic Law.  Take a refresher course in Hermetic Law.  Read the Kyballion, and then take another long look at the world.  There is great wisdom in The Kyballion, and it is refreshing to see that the Ancient Hermetic Laws persist as The Great Spirit does.  They are just as Rock Steady as they were thousands of years ago.  Also, in the near future, we may find out that Hermetic Law is actually Cosmic Law through first hand experiences.

Grains of the Gods

Pronounced Keen-Oh-Ah, is the most nutritious grain on Earth.  How come you have never heard about it?  There are a few reasons, but first lets look at the legacy of Quinoa.  There is a company called Ancient Harvest which produces Quinoa and Quinoa products (pasta, flour, flakes, and whole Quinoa).

I first became interested in Quina because it grew in my yard.  Turns out that it grows wild all over the Americas.  The reason for this is it was cultivated by the Inca's and the Mayan's thousands of years ago, and this tradition stuck, even though the empires fell.  The Indian tribes traded it all over the Americas, and the tradition is long embedded in American Culture, so much that we can't get rid of it.  Largely American Commercial Farmers consider it to be a weed and do everything they can to eradicate it.  But, it doesn't go away.  It is persistent, like The Great Spirit.

So anyway, after spending some time researching Quinoa, and its cousin Amaranth, I decided to cultivate Quinoa and work it into my diet.  I bought some at the local farmers market to see what it is like, and to see what I can cook with it.  It is a very small grain, and it can be cooked whole, like rice.  Its flavor is mild and accepts seasoning well.  The pasta is nearly identical to wheat pasta, and it works good for any pasta or Chinese noodles recipes.  I also wanted to make bread with it, so I found some Quinoa flour at the Whole Food Place, and integrated it into my Pizza Doh recipe.  Quinoa has no gluten so if you want to make yeast bread with it you also need to add a glutenous flour.  I used 3 parts wheat flour and 1 part Quinoa flour.  The mild taste of the Quinoa is not noticeable in the Doh.

Quinoa is a cold weather plant.  It sprouts mid to late winter when the days are just starting to warm up.  It is also frost tolerant, which is a big plus here.  We have been having crazy weather here lately.  The plant will produce big, broad leaves, which are edible.  Then around mid to late spring the plant will flower.  It sends up a stalk which is covered with seed pods.  The idea is to let the seed pods fully mature before they are harvested.  The will change from a bright green color to a rich, rusty red/brown color in the late spring.

These are some of my Quinoa plants...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Astronomical Video Camera

My curiosity of the stars, aircraft and UFOs prompted me to build a tool to digitally record what was to be seen in the heavens above us.  The Astronomical Video Camera is a salvaged security camera that I pulled out of a dumpster.  I only had the camera, no interface, software, or even wires.  It took a while, but I managed to find the specifications to hook it up to the computer, power it, and use it to record what I see in the sky.  I also wrote some software to control it using LabView.

This is the platform, a skate board...
I use a rope and pulley system to pull it up to the roof crest...
Its a Pan, Tilt, 22X Zoom, 570 Line, security camera produced by American Dynamics.
The software I kludged has Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, and Iris.
The camera is mounted upside down, so the images are also upside down.
Looking for a way to invert the image...
Here are some videos...

 Pleiades Zoom
Aldebaran Zoom

Full Moon 5

Jupiter and Moons

M42 Zoom

Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Universes

Probably the most popular Hermetic Axiom is...

As above, so below, and as below, so above.

We generally get how the solar system resembles an atom, and also how the atom resembles a solar system.  However, I think we're not quite getting it.  There are peeps on this globe, or electron, or whatever you call it.  If The Earth is analogous to an electron, then the Macrocosmic universe is far, far larger than we have ever imagined.  It could be infinity squared, or cubed, or even hextoplexed.  If our solar system represents an atom in this Macrocosmic universe, then the Galaxy could represent a molecule, and a grouping of galaxies would be a small bit of matter.  Our entire universe, as it is commonly accepted, could only be a small object in this Macrocosmic Universe.  I like to use the analogy that our entire universe might only be a spec of paint on God's coffee cup...

Then, on the flip side, the Microcosmic Universe is right in front of us.  The spec of dust between the "v" and "b" keys on this keyboard is made from many thousands of molecules.  Each of the molecules contain thousands, if not millions of atoms.  Each of those atoms, in the Microcosmic Universe, represent solar systems.  There is a chance that some of these Microcosmic Star Systems are inhabited.  The potential of Microcosmic life is staggering.  Just right here on my desktop there is an incredible number of entire Microcosmic Universes, an incomprehensible number of Microcosmic Universes...

These theories only include tangible matter.  When you include matter which is intangible to us, and alternate planes of existence then the potential for life in other places becomes truly infinite, and a certainty.  We may not be able to see it, or communicate with it physically, but we can know it is there, and at least, touch it with our minds, and our imagination...

So, the next time you go to vacuum the dust out of your keyboard, think about the potential hardship you might be causing a myriad of Microcosmic Universes.  Then also hope God doesn't drop the coffee cup on that one particular spot where our Microcosmic Universe is positioned.  It makes me think of how fragile life is, and how something we know nothing about might wipe everything we know from existence...


Fate is somewhat a mystery to us.  Is our destiny preordained, like some sort of kismet?  Or is it the natural outworking of a myriad of decisions, like a journey through an infinite fractal maze?  Some say that decision making allows us to traverse super-space, and that when we make a decision we are actually traveling between universes.  The decisions we make throughout life ultimately change our fate in minute ways.  There is a magnitude in these decisions also where small decisions change our fate little, but large, important decisions can change our fate considerably.  We are not in this alone.  Other people can affect our fate with their decision making processes.  We can start to see how the individual can affect The All, and conversely how the The All can affect the individual.  In this way we start to see how everything, The All, is a symbiosis of all of its parts.  Each individual part represents The All in a unique way, and The All affects each individual part in a general way.  Trying to predict your fate is quite analogous to the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle where we either know where we are, or where we are going, but can't know both simultaneously...

Scientilosopher's Domain

What is a Scientilosopher?

We used to use the term Scientist/Philosopher, so Scientilosopher is an abbreviated form.  Most people sit on one side of this fence.  Either they have a spirit based perspective, or they have a scientific perspective.  It is a major problem for us in that we are biased one way or another, and generally do not have much of a middle ground.  Hermetic Science is a body of research where the researchers purposefully look at physical phenomena from both perspectives, they literally call themselves Scientist/Philosophers.  While I do not squarely fit into Hermetic Science, I have adopted its philosophies, and look at physical phenomena from scientific and spiritual perspectives...

The Scientilosopher's Domain Blog is here to be a vehicle for New World Philosophies.  We can look at anything, be it scientific, or spiritual, and anywhere in between...

So, welcome to the Scientilosopher's Domain, and remember...

The universe exists in the Mind of The All.  All is Mind...

Goodwill to All, for All is One...